Let’s jump right in to solving the most common Bluetooth issues that Mac users might experience.
First, The Simple Solutions:
Shutdown & Reboot Your Mac & Check For Upates
Yes, this is overly simple. However, it’s best to weed out possible issues from simple to more complex. Even as simple as checking for upgrades, which you can check from the Apple menu in the corner of your screen and choose system settings. Then click general in the sidebar, and software update on the right.
If no upgrades are available try shutting your mac down. Let it sit for 30 seconds and then turn your Mac back on. This can reset modules and programs running in the background.
Plug Your MacBoook Into a Power Source & Charge Bluetooth Device
When you charge your Bluetooth device use a wall adapter.
Turn the device off when you are charging it. Do not charge it using the computer’s USB. If you do it will not use the computer then the USB will not get powered. Therefore it may not charge the device and if it does it will most likely charge slowly.
This should ensure your Bluetooth device is able to communicate with your Mac at full power, minimizing potential issues.
Still Not Working? Switch Bluetooth "On" & "Off"
Go to System Preferences.
Click on Bluetooth.
Switch off, and then back on.
Try holding down the pair button of your Bluetooth device one last time.
Tricky But Helpful Solutions
PRAM Reset If Bluetooth Isn't Recognizing Devices
Shut off the computer.
Turn the computer back on then, before the chime, immediately hold & press these 4 keys (Command + Option + P + R)
Reset The Mac Bluetooth Module
Use The Terminal To Reset Your Bluetooth Module (if the solution above isn't available for your Mac)
Press “Command” and “Space Bar to bring up the spotlight search.
Type in “Terminal” and press enter.
You should see the terminal (see the image below).
Next put in: “sudo pkill bluetoothd”
Press enter and restart your Mac computer.
This method is helpful if you can find the .plist file to delete and the option to “Reset Bluetooth Module” doesn’t show up by clicking the icon and holding down the “shift + option.”
Last Ditch Effort: Reboot In Safe Mode
If your Bluetooth device is still not showing up you might want reboot your Mac in safe mode. You can do this by:
pressing and holding the power button on your Mac until “Loading startup options” appears.
Select a volume. Press and hold the Shift key, then click “Continue in Safe Mode”
Restart Your Mac normally.
If this still doesn’t work, it’s probably best to take it in. Or you could reinstall your OS, which is a really big pain, which is why it’s better to just take it in to see what’s really going on.