Navigating your Mac without a mouse can seem like a daunting task, but with the help of keyboard shortcuts, it can be a breeze. Keyboard shortcuts are a quick and efficient way to navigate your computer, and they can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. Here’s a guide on how to use keyboard shortcuts to navigate your Mac without a mouse.
Table of Contents
Basic Mac Navigation and Shortcuts
The first step in navigating your Mac without a mouse, you’ll need to become familiar with basic keyboard shortcuts. The most important ones to know are the arrow keys (up, down, left, and right), the Tab key, and the Enter key. You can use these keys to move around your Mac and select items.
Leveraging Mac Finder shortcuts
The Finder is the default file manager on your Mac, and it’s essential to know how to navigate it using keyboard shortcuts. To open a new Finder window, press Command + N. To open a new folder, press Command + Shift + N. To switch between open Finder windows, press Command + `.
Relying On Mac Spotlight Shortcuts
Spotlight is a powerful search tool on your Mac that can be used to find anything on your computer. To open Spotlight, press Command + Space. Once Spotlight is open, you can use the arrow keys to navigate through the results and press Enter to open the selected item.
Using MacOS Dock (No Mouse)
The Dock is the bar of icons that sits at the bottom of your screen and gives you quick access to your most frequently used apps. To open an app from the Dock, press Command + the number that corresponds to its position on the Dock.
System Shortcuts To Log Out & More
To access basic system functions on your Mac, you’ll need to know a few keyboard shortcuts. To log out of your account, press Command + Shift + Q. To put your Mac to sleep, press Command + Option + Power. To restart your Mac, press Command + Control + Power.
Learning Mac Shortcuts Takes Time
By becoming familiar with these keyboard shortcuts, you’ll be able to navigate your Mac without a mouse quickly and efficiently. However, be patient with yourself, as this process has a long steep learning curve. Remember, you can always check the shortcut list by going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. And don’t be afraid to create your own shortcuts for your frequently used actions (see this post how) or this post for a list of shortcuts commonly used.
In conclusion, using keyboard shortcuts can make navigating your Mac without a mouse a lot easier. Whether you’re a power user or just looking to save time, keyboard shortcuts are a great way to increase your productivity and make your computer experience more enjoyable.